State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1013

            Farnsworth D Floor Amendment

            Reference to: JUDICIARY Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Leg Council





1.    Delays the first reporting period by six months so that the Department of Child Safety’s (DCS) first reporting period would begin January 1, 2021.

2.    Changes the term taken to abducted.

3.    Makes additional clarifying changes to the data that DCS must report regarding runaway and abducted children.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                             Farnsworth D

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1013




(Reference to JUDICIARY Committee amendment)




Page 1, line 6, after "A." strike the remainder of the line insert "The"

Line 7, after "AVAILABLE" insert "the FOLLOWING information on a semiannual basis by September 30 for the period that ends on the prior June 30 and by March 31 for the period that ends on the prior December 31"

Line 9, after "ONCE" insert "for a period of more than twenty‑four hours"

Line 11, strike "AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF" insert "For all children who were on runaway status during the reporting period,"; after the second "THE" insert "total"

Strike line 12, insert "time the children have been on runaway status."

Strike lines 15 and 16, insert:

"(d)  For all children who experienced a runaway episode during the reporting period, how many had a prior runaway episode during the current out‑of‑home episode."

Line 17, strike "ON" insert "who experienced at least one"; strike "STATUS" insert "episode during the reporting period"

Line 19, after the second comma insert "department licensed and contracted"

Line 22, after "incorrigible" strike remainder of line insert a period

Strike line 23

Page 2, lines 1 and 2, strike "TAKEN" insert "abducted"

Line 4, strike "AN ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF" insert "For all children who were abducted during the reporting period,"; after the second "the" insert "total"

Page 2, strike line 5, insert "time the children were abducted."

Line 6, strike "taken" insert "abducted"

Strike lines 8 and 9, insert:

"(d)  For all children who were abducted during the reporting period, how many had a prior abduction during the current out‑of‑home episode."

Line 10, strike "have been taken" insert "were abducted at least once during the reporting period"

Line 11, strike "taken" insert "abducted"

Line 12, after the second comma insert "department licensed and contracted"

Strike lines 15 and 16

Renumber to conform

Between lines 19 and 20, insert:

"2.  Make the data prescribed in this section available on the department's website in a format that can be downloaded and that is conducive to analysis."

Between lines 20 and 21, insert:

"1.  "Abducted child" means a child who has been taken, enticed or kept from the custody of the department."

Renumber to conform

Strike lines 24 and 25

Page 3, line 4, strike "June 1, 2020" insert "January 1, 2021"; strike "December"

Strike line 5, insert "June 30, 2021."

Amend title to conform





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